Massage for Truck Drivers

Massage for Truck Drivers

Do you know a truck driver who could use a massage? Please share this article with them.

Most of us are familiar with the back ache and stiff legs that come from a long road trip. You get out, stretch your back, walk a bit, shake your legs out. It is uncomfortable, but eventually you get to your destination and all is well. Imagine that a never-ending road trip was your way of life.

Massage for Truck Drivers

Truck drivers and long-haul semi-drivers experience chronic back pain. There are a lot of health hazards that come from sitting in one position for long periods of time. These include:

  • Shortened leg muscles
  • Backaches
  • Neck strain
  • Shoulder discomfort 

Massage therapy can alleviate these symptoms and put you back in the driver’s seat!

Leg Pain and Truck Drivers

Another source of leg pain for truck drivers (and anyone who drives for long period of time) is door handles and other abrasive objects. Often times drivers get in the habit of resting their left leg against the door. If there is a handle or other object that sticks out from the door, it could irritate your leg over time. This can become such a habit that drivers don’t notice the pain until it is chronic. Sometimes a bruise or abrasion also occurs.

Massage therapy can help with this sort of leg pain.

Good posture, muscle tone, stretching and exercise are key to counter acting the affects of long-term truck driving. The last piece of the puzzle could include massage for truck drivers. There are so many benefits to massage, some of them are physical and some of them include managing stress and improving sleep.

Related: Massage and Sleep

Strategies for Massage for Truck Drivers

Regular massage will help alleviate the chronic issues associated with truck driving. Don’t wait until your back, neck or shoulders hurt so bad you are unable to work. It is important that you maintain your body just as you would your truck. If you have a regular route, a good practice would be to have a standing weekly, bi-weekly or monthly massage appointment that works with your schedule. It will also be something you can look forward to when you are on the road.

Many massage therapists have weekend and evening hours to accommodate employees’ schedules.

Related article: Massage for Factory Workers and Warehouse Employees

Need more convincing?

Can’t you just feel your back and shoulders relaxing already?

At All Body Kneads, we specialize in helping you feel your best so you can do your best.

Give us a call today at 517-898-2899 or schedule an appointment online.

You can also email for an appointment or with any questions at

We’d also be happy to talk to your work place about at in-house wellness and chair massage program.

Feel better today!

Massage for Customer Service Representatives

Massage for Customer Service Representatives

It is no secret that Customer Service Representatives have a very hard job. Their job becomes even tougher during busy times of the year like the holidays and summer vacations.customer service representativesCustomer Service is one type of job where the emotional strain outweighs the physical demands on the body.  Even though retail customer service workers can be seen running around stores helping needy customers, it still doesn’t compare to the “emotional labor” involved. The same goes for call center workers other types of customer service reps.

Emotional labor is a term coined by Arlie Hochschild’s in her book The Managed Heart. It refers to the effort a person must put forth in order to exude an emotion that they are not necessarily feeling at the time. We have all experienced this from time time in our daily lives. Can you imagine having to do this every day while people are complaining to you? It’s exhausting just thinking about it.

Customer Service Representatives are suppose to seem happy all the time.

Being happy, helpful and smiley all the time at your job really just isn’t practical. We are only human after all. According to Jeff Toister, an author and trainer who is passionate about customer service, there are a few reasons that make customer service really hard:

#1. It does not come natural. Who would naturally be pleasant to someone who is yelling at them? Flight or Fight instincts kick in and we have to work really hard to overcome our natural tendencies to defend ourselves.

#2. Our perspectives are different. People perceive situations differently, as well at the importance of problems and issues. Something that might ruin one person’s day is just standard every day occurrences for someone else. Empathy plays a large role in being good at customer service.

#3. It’s sometimes hard to be friendly. It just is. The worse you feel, or tired, or stressed, or even hungry, the harder is to be friendly and cater to other peoples’ needs.

#4. Multitasking really isn’t a thing. People refer to multitasking all the time, but as humans, we aren’t good it at.  It’s true. Sorry. We can only process one conscious thought at a time. When we try to do too many things at once, which is often required for Customer Service Representatives, our brains want to shut down in protest.

#5. Directed Attention Fatigue. Have you ever heard of this term? You have most definitely experienced it even if you didn’t have a name for it. Chronic multitasking causes it by overusing the part of our brain that focuses attention. If you had to read that sentence twice, you might be suffering from it. Some of the symptoms include:

  • Getting distracted easily
  • Irritability
  • Impatience
  • Indecisiveness
  • Difficulty starting and finishing tasks

How Can Massage Help Customer Service Representatives?

Massage therapy is not just physical therapy. It provides emotional support and help as well. When we take time to slow down, focus on ourselves, relax, and rejuvenate, we feel better. The uplifting effects of a massage can last for days. Massage therapy also promotes better sleep and concentration–two more things that will help you with your customer service job.

Related: What are the more popular massage therapy services?

When we are emotionally (or physically) stressed we tend to hold tension in the body. Common areas are the neck, shoulders, and lower back.  Some people also grind or clench their jaw during the day or in their sleep. This can result in chronic or debilitation headaches.

If you work in customer service (or know someone who does) we encourage you to seek regular massage–especially during busy times of the year. You will be able to maintain a good attitude despite difficult customers. Your bosses, managers and the company will benefit from it and so will everyone around you.

Book a massage today and spend some time unwinding. You deserve it!

Call 517-898-2899 or book online.

Massage for Caregivers: Nurses, Doctors & Hospital Workers

Massage for Caregivers: Nurses, Doctors & Hospital Workers

Caregivers, such as nurses, doctors, and hospital workers, are often so busy caring for others they seldom think about taking care of themselves. This is precisely why giving the gift of massage to the caregiver in your life could be the best gift ever!

Massage administered to hospital patients is a fairly common practice.  Most hospitals have an in-patient massage program. According to research conducted in January 2017, 82 percent of hospital patients claimed massage therapy was the most helpful form of hospital therapy.

So, that helps the patients in hospitals, but what about the caregivers?

The Benefits of Massage for Caregivers and Hospital Workers

Massage offered to hospital staff usually consists of 10- to 20-minute chair massages on the hospital floor or unit. This is great for alleviating stress and tension. While this is an extremely beneficial service, many people who work long hours on their feet need more personal massage therapy. A longer, full body massage can target specific areas of tight muscles and pain.

The benefits of massage therapy for caregivers are twofold; the physical benefits and the mental benefits. Caregivers are wired to think of others and be concerned about their health and comfort. To have an hour or 90 minutes where they get to concentrate on themselves and receive care is invaluable. Not only will they experience the physical benefits of being able to do there jobs better, but they will have the mental capacity to keep caring for those that need them.caregivers

Nurses: On their feet for long hours and having to cope with ever-increasing patient loads, demanding schedules, paperwork, follow-up, and other responsibilities can exact a heavy toll on nurses. Work-related stress and related symptoms is often the result.

Many research studies have been conducted that demonstrate the effectiveness of massage therapy for chronic low back pain – a condition affecting millions of Americans, including nurses.

Researchers found that patients receiving massage were twice as likely as those receiving usual care to report significant improvements in both their pain and function.

Doctors: Like nurses, doctors work long hours and are on their feet most of the time. Emergency room doctors massage for caregiverswork in a high-paced, high-stress environment. Surgeons have to have a lot of stamina for long operations and follow-up consultations. Doctors experience mental stress and physical strain too. Doctors use fine motor skills all day, much like a computer worker.

  • Hunched shoulders
  • Stooped back
  • Cramped hands
  • Tired feet
  • Aching back

Physicians are very good at knowing what their patients need, however, they may not follow the same advice for themselves.

Remind a caregiver you know to take time for themselves. Go one step further and give the gift of massage and wellness to those who give us so much.

Book Now!

Everyone needs to take time for themselves. However, we often forget how important it is in order to be the best versions of ourselves for others.

Purchase a gift certificate or book a massage today! Call All Body Kneads at 517-898-2899


Massage for Retail Workers and Cashiers

Massage for Retail Workers and Cashiers

The holidays are upon us and for many people in the retail business, that means longer hours and an increase in work related stress. It is extremely important to take care of yourself all year round, but the holidays can induce extra issues.

Treat yourself this season to massage therapy and enjoy your work more with less back ache and shoulder twinges.

Note: Don’t ignore your body when new aches and pains develop. It is easy to brush these off and tell yourself, “I am just busier than normal. It will go away.” This can lead to chronic and debilitating pain if left untreated.

Retail workers spend a lot of time standing, lifting, stocking, stretching, carrying, and more. These types of activities are hard to endure for long periods of time day after day.

The Stats for Retail Workers

The NIOSH released a report in March 2010 that evaluated injuries and illnesses in the wholesale and retail trade industries. The study was the most comprehensive of its kind, and the results were surprising.

It is a common misconception that the retail industry is relatively safe. The report uncovered that the retail industry actually experiences a disproportionately high number of both injuries and fatalities.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2006, approximately 820,500 injuries and 581 fatalities occurred among the 21 million retail workers in the United States.

Common Injuries in the Retail Industryretail worker injuries

Retail workers themselves often discount their own injuries, or don’t recognize the symptoms. Don’t let this be you!

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are injuries and disorders that affect the human body’s movement or musculoskeletal system (i.e. muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, discs, blood vessels, etc.).

The pain associated with these types of injuries include back pain, muscle pain, joint pain and more. If left untreated, these injuries may lead to disability.

Common MSDs include:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Tendonitis
  • Muscle / Tendon strain
  • Ligament Sprain
  • Tension Neck Syndrome
  • Thoracic Outlet Compression
  • Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
  • Epicondylitis
  • Radial Tunnel Syndrome
  • Digital Neuritis
  • Trigger Finger / Thumb
  • DeQuervain’s Syndrome
  • Mechanical Back Syndrome
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Ruptured / Herniated Disc,
  • and many more.

The good news is that most of these types of injuries are preventable. Proper training, ergonomic workstations, and self-care can help you avoid these issues.

How Can Massage Help Retail Injuries?

Two non-evasive and holistic ways to treat MSDs is include mental relaxation and massage for pain. Both of these can improve overall health, mental energy and muscle pain.

All Body Kneads recommends regular massage and mental relaxation techniques for all retail workers BEFORE you develop any symptoms or pain. Prevention is the best way to combat MSDs.

Massage therapy can:

  • Be more effective for chronic back pain than standard therapiesMassage for Retail workers
  • Promote relaxation and alleviate the perception of pain
  • Reduce headaches
  • Stimulate the brain to produce endorphins
  • Promote better sleep

Physicians and other health care providers are increasingly recommending massage therapy to their patients as a supplement to conventional health care.

Need more convincing?

Can’t you just feel your muscles relaxing, your breath deepening, and a calm setting over your mind?

At All Body Kneads, we specialize in helping you feel your best so you can do your best.

Give us a call today at 517-898-2899 or schedule an appointment online.

You can also email for an appointment or with any questions at

We’d also be happy to talk to your work place about at in-house wellness and chair massage program.

Feel better today!

Massage for Food Service Workers

Massage for Food Service Workers

Restaurant work may be one of the most common jobs across the country but that does not mean it is easy. It is no secret that the food service industry is very demanding.

Kitchen staff, bartenders, wait staff, hosts and hostesses, and all the other people who make up the food industry work extremely hard to make sure the rest of us eat well and have an enjoyable experience.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the restaurant and food service industry sees nearly 200,000 injuries per year, resulting in approximately 9,000 days away from work by injured employees.

massage for food service workers

The Sprains and Strains of Food Service

Food service workers are almost always on their feet. They rarely sit down and work under hectic and strained situations. Many food service workers are attracted to the industry because of the fast-paced and exciting environment. However, this is also what leads to work place injury.massage for food service

Wait staff and bussers are at a particularly high risk for back, neck, and shoulder strains due to assuming awkward postures while serving customers or clearing tables. Heavy trays, walking all day, and bending and leaning puts undue strain on arms, elbows, and so forth. Proper technique for carrying heavy or awkward items is crucial to avoiding injury, whether in the kitchen or on the floor of the restaurant.

Even with proper technique, your body will feel it over time. Especially after long shifts, double shifts, busy weekends, large parities and events, and other times when you are working especially hard.

The most common injuries to restaurant and food service workers include:Foot Massage Therapy

  • sprains and strains
  • lifting and carrying injuries, including back injuries, joint damage, and other musculoskeletal injuries
  • slips and falls
  • repetitive stress injuries for food servers, busboys, meat cutters, and bartenders
  • motor vehicle accidents for delivery drivers and caterers
  • burns
  • cuts and lacerations

Not to mention that your feet hurt all the time!


The Mental Toll of Food Service Workfood service

Besides the physically demanding aspect of food service, there is also the mental strain to consider. Hungry people can be difficult to deal with. Picky eaters can be hard to please. Intoxicated people are often unreasonable. Early mornings and late nights can create poor sleep cycles.

Customers who have never worked in the food service industry may not always have empathy or understanding for what restaurant workers are going through to deliver hot food on time. If you have never had to rely on tips to support yourself, you may not understand what you have to do in order to receive fair tips. It’s not easy.

Working in fast paced environments can also make it difficult to wind down and relax once your shift is over.

The Benefits of Massage for Food Service Workers

Food service workers across the industry can benefit greatly from massage. It is a physically demanding, hectic, and mentally challenging career path. It is isn’t for everyone, but those who thrive in this environment need to take care of themselves so they can enjoy a long career.

Massage can help in the following ways:

  • Ease sore muscles and joints
  • Reduce back, shoulder, and neck pain
  • Provide a relaxing environment to unwind
  • Promote better sleep
  • Reduce pain from repetitive motion injuries
  • Help with carpal tunnel syndrome and other similar types of injuries
  • Promote faster healing after slips and falls

Check out the many types of massage that are available.

Need more convincing?

Can’t you just feel your muscles relaxing, your breath deepening, and a calm setting over your mind?

At All Body Kneads, we specialize in helping you feel your best so you can do your best.

Give us a call today at 517-898-2899 or schedule an appointment online.

You can also email for an appointment or with any questions at

We’d also be happy to talk to your work place about at in-house wellness and chair massage program.

Feel better today!



Massage for Factory Workers and Warehouse Employees

Massage for Factory Workers and Warehouse Employees

The 3rd most popular type of job in Michigan is factory and warehouse work. As with any type of manual labor–it can take a toll on your body. That is why massage for factory workers is so important and EFFECTIVE!

Work wellness programs have become extremely popular over the last several years. Unfortunately they concentrate on office settings and haven’t quite branched out to the more physically demanding jobs such as factories and warehouses.

These types of jobs pose the following work related issues:

  • standing for long periods of time
  • overexertion
  • body movement injuries
  • heaving lifting
  • repetitive movement
  • bending and squatting
  • slips and falls
  • equipment and object injuries

All of these types of activities, when performed regularly, can have a negative impact on the body. Fortunately, massage for factory workers and warehouse employees can provide much relief from the negative side effects of manual labor.

Not only will massage for factory workers combat the physical stresses to the body, it helps workers perform their tasks better it also reduces stress.

What Types of Massage for Factory Workers and Warehouse Employees?

There are many types of massage, however, the following are recommended for manual labor jobs:

Swedish MassageMassage for Business Executives 2

This is one of the most well-known types of massage and is sometimes called a “classic massage.” It uses long gliding strokes, kneading, and circular movements on the body. Massage lotion or oil is applied to reduce friction on the skin during a session. This type of massage helps ease joint pain, muscle aches and stiffness. It also improves circulation, and facilitate healing after an injury. It is highly adaptable, and could be very gentle and relaxing.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massages, as the name implies, go deeper into the muscles than a regular or Swedish massage. It can help with rehabilitation after an injury, chronic muscle pain, and conditions such as arthritis and tendonitis. It is often combined with other types of massage.

Chair Massagechair massage

Chair massages are also known as seated or on-site massages. The fully-clothed client sits on a specially-designed chair, which facilitates the session. The massage is concentrated mainly on the back, arms and hands of the client. The therapist may use a variety of techniques, such as Swedish and Deep Tissue massages. An advantage of this type of massage is its versatility and portability. This is a great way for employers to provide the wellness benefits of massage to employees.

All Body Kneads provides onsite chair massage to all types of business and industries. For more information please call 517-898-2899.

Book a massage online today!

Massage for Factory Workers

Massage for Business Executives & Managers

Massage for Business Executives & Managers

Do you know why massage for business executives is so important?

Well, for one thing…your employees will thank you. Massage for business executives and managers benefits everyone.

Massage therapy is still often thought of as a luxury activity or something you splurge on while taking a cruise. However, a therapeutic massage (versus a relaxation massage) is one of the best ways to combat stress and fatigue.

Most executives and managers deal with a certain amount of stress because managing people can be hard. There are also some very positive and compelling reasons for massage for business executives. Read this short list of reasons for why executives and managers should incorporate massage therapy into their regular self-care regime–and then a book a massage today!

Related: Why Office Workers Need Massage Therapy

1. Massage for executives helps with creativity.

There is no better way to come up with new ideas and problems solving techniques than to recharge one’s batteries. Sometimes you need to take a step back from a situation, relax, and get your mind off of it, in order to find the solution. This is why some of our best ideas happen in the shower or when we are least expecting it. A massage is proactive way to clear your mind and make space available for all the creative thinking that is just waiting to happen.

Massage for Business Executives 2

2. Massage relieves pain.

Working in an office, sitting at a desk for long periods of time, and ignoring the signs of stress can lead to back and shoulder pain.

The Mayo clinic also reports that massage helps with:

Massage has also been known to help with high blood pressure, which is often an issue in high stress jobs and tends to creep up as we get older.

massage for business executives back pain

3. Massage helps you sleep better.

Let’s face it–we could all use better sleep. Although we all know that we need 8 hours of sleep every night, many people still try to get by with 6-7 hours, and often even less. At the same time, we’ve seen an increase in health problems like obesity, heart issues due to stress, and chronic fatigue. We trudge through our days, and drink quantities of caffeine in an effort to just function at minimum levels.

Better quality sleep leads to:

  • Physical energy
  • Mental alertness
  • Appetite control
  • Healthy immune system
  • Ability to combat stress

Even if you aren’t experiencing high levels of stress or pain, increased quality of sleep can do wonders for your outlook.

Massage Therapy and Healthy Sleep

4. Massage can boost your immune system.

Hopefully you generally like your coworkers and employees, but that doesn’t mean you want to share their illnesses with them. Office environments with closed windows and circulating air make sharing germs a lot easier. You can use all the defenses you can get to combat contracting even a common cold–which will drag you down and decrease productivity. Another great reason for massage for business executives is to boost your immune system.

Massage for Business Executives

5. Massage can help increase your productivity.

If you feel good you are able to perform better. If you add regular massage to your schedule you are guaranteeing you are doing something for yourself that will also benefit your career and those around you. Why would you pass that up? For an added bonus you can offer a corporate wellness benefit to your employees with chair massage.

Benefits of Chair Massage

  • Reduces the physical and mental effects of stress, helping reduce burnout and stress-related disease
  • Reduces the adverse effects of sitting for long periods of time in the same position, such as at a desk or other workstation.
  • Relives physical problems associated with repetitive tasks, for example, computer work, sorting, filing, and assembly line tasks.
  • Improves alertness and the ability to focus, an antidote for work slumps
  • Helps relieve common problem conditions such as tension headaches and stiff and sore muscles.
  • Increases employee morale
  • Leaves employees feeling revitalized and ready to return to work.

This type of massage is very popular with employers and employees for several reasons:

  • You feel better right away with immediate positive effects
  • It requires no effort on the part of the receiver
  • It is an easy health practice to take advantage of
  • It complements other wellness programs
  • It works for everybody, from the corporate office to the warehouse to the mail room

Book a chair massage today!

chair massage

Need more convincing?

Can’t you just feel your muscles relaxing, your breath deepening, and a calm setting over your mind?

At All Body Kneads, we specialize in helping you feel your best so you can do your best. Give us a call today at 517-898-2899 or schedule an appointment online.

You can also email for an appointment or with any questions at

Why Office Workers Need Massage Therapy

Why Office Workers Need Massage Therapy

Office workers need massage therapy due to the repetitive nature of their jobs. Sitting, typing, and talking on the phone can all contribute to sore, stiff muscles and headaches. Sound familiar?

Do you have a point somewhere in the middle of your back, maybe slightly to the right or left, that is rock hard?

Is your neck stiff? Do you get tension headaches? Is your jobs stressful at times?

All these things add up to needing a really good massage.

Sure, you probably stretch here and there. Get up once in awhile for a quick break–but this just isn’t taking care of the soreness.

Related: Bringing On-site Chair massage to the Workplace

5 Reasons Office Workers Need Massage Therapy

The way your neck and shoulders feel right now is probably enough of a reason to convince you that you could benefit from a massage. Just in case you need some more reasons, the following list explains medically how you will benefit from massage therapy.

1. Poor Posture

How often do you think about how you are sitting at your desk? Probably not enough. People who work at a deck tend to:office workers need massage therapy

  • Slouch
  • Tuck a leg underneath them
  • Tilt to one side
  • Use a desk and/or chair that is either too high or too low

Does this sound like you? How are you sitting right now?

Office workers need massage therapy to correct poor posture.

2. Stress

Very few people have zero stress at their jobs. Office jobs tend to involve more than the average amount of stress–emotionally and physically. Emotional stress can also cause you to feel stiff and sore. Massage therapy combats both types of stress by offering a relaxing and soothing environment for your nerves while physically working out the knots and stress your body is holding.

Office workers need massage therapy to manage stress.

office workers need massage therapy

3. Limited Mobilityoffice workers need massage therapy

Our bodies were not meant to do any one thing for long period of time–including sitting. Desk work does not allow for a very big range in your daily movement. Typing is extremely repetitive.

The combination of limited range and repetition wreaks havoc on the muscles and joints. It makes you tense up.

Office workers need massage therapy to get their muscles and joints moving more freely.

4. Productivity

When you feel well you are able to get more work done. You will be much more efficient, have a better attitude, and enjoy your work more. This is a great case for suggesting that your boss or manager look into having a massage therapist come to the office on a regular basis to provide chair massage to the staff. Show him or her this article.

Related: Chair Massage is a Good Investment for a Healthy Business

5. Preventing Pain

Taking steps now to treat your current back pain and stress will make it easier to prevent further pain in the future. Once your current issues are addressed, continuing regular massage is a maintenance program for your well-being.

office workers need massage therarpy

Need more convincing?

Can’t you just feel your muscles relaxing, your breath deepening, and a calm setting over your mind?

At All Body Kneads, we specialize in helping you feel your best so you can do your best. Give us a call today at 517-898-2899 or schedule an appointment online.

You can also email for an appointment or with any questions at

We’d also be happy to talk to your office about at in-house wellness and chair massage program.

Feel better today!

Can Massage Help with High Blood Pressure?

Can Massage Help with High Blood Pressure?

Have you recently been diagnosed with High Blood pressure or prehypertension?

Well, you aren’t alone. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, one in every three Americans, or 31.3 percent, has high blood pressure. In addition, about 1 in 5 U.S. adults with high blood pressure don’t know that they have it. This is serious considering that elevated blood pressure can lead to:

  • damaged organshigh blood pressure
  • heart attack
  • heart failure
  • stroke
  • aneurysms
  • kidney failure

According to The Mayo Clinic, risk factors for elevated blood pressure include:

  • Being overweight or obese. A primary risk factor is being overweight. The greater your body mass, the more blood you need to supply oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. As the volume of blood circulated through your blood vessels increases, so does the force on your artery walls.
  • Age.  Many older adults have progressed from elevated blood pressure to high blood pressure, and the risk of high blood pressure increases as you age.
  • Sex. High blood pressure is more common in men than in women. Through about age 64, high blood pressure is more common in men. Women are more likely to develop high blood pressure after age 65.
  • Race. High blood pressure is particularly common among people of African heritage, often developing at an earlier age than it does in white people.
  • Family history of high blood pressure. High blood pressure tends to run in families. If a first-degree relative, such as a parent or sibling, has high blood pressure, you’re more likely to develop the condition.
  • Not being physically active. Not exercising can increase your risk of high blood pressure and increase your risk of being overweight.
  • Diet high in salt (sodium) or low in potassium. Sodium and potassium are two key nutrients in the way your body regulates your blood pressure. If you have too much sodium or too little potassium in your diet, you’re more likely to have high blood pressure.
  • Tobacco use. Smoking cigarettes, chewing tobacco or even being around other people who are smoking (secondhand smoke) can increase your blood pressure.
  • Drinking too much alcohol. Drinking more than two drinks a day if you’re a man or more than one drink a day if you’re a woman can increase your blood pressure. One drink equals 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor.
  • Certain chronic conditions. Certain chronic conditions — including kidney disease, diabetes and sleep apnea — may increase the risk of elevated blood pressure.

Massage and High Blood Pressure

While massage alone probably won’t control diagnosed high blood pressure, it can certainly be part of an overall treatment plan. Often times stress is also a contributing factor to elevated blood pressure–so finding healthy ways to relax and find balance and calm will help. Massage can help with a wide range of issues and symptoms having to do with a lot of conditions, not just high blood pressure.

Massage can also improve sleep and help with chronic headaches (often a sign of high blood pressure).

Be sure to talk with your physician before scheduling a massage if you are being treated for high blood pressure. It is always a good idea to inform your primary care doctor of all other medical or natural treatments you are receiving.

Relaxation, stress management, and better sleep can all be achieved through massage. This can also potentially lead to lower blood pressure.

Call to schedule a massage today or check out our online calendar. Your heart will thank you for it!


Can Massage Help with Scar Tissue?

Can Massage Help with Scar Tissue?

Do you have unwanted scar tissue that is painful and bothers you? Have you wondered, “Can Massage Help with Scar Tissue?

The answer is YES!


Scar tissue itself is the body’s normal method for healing body parts that are injured. Scar tissue is formed by collagen. After an injury, your body lays down collagen that will become normal healthy tissue.

How does one get it?

After surgery, scar tissue will develop where the surgical incision is in the skin.

After injuries like a hamstring tear or rotator cuff tear, scar tissue will develop in the muscle as it heals.

How Can Massage Help with Scar Tissue?

In general, the scar must be fully closed and no scabbing present to begin scar massage.  Your doctor should assess your scar before beginning scar massage.

Management of scar tissue through massage, stretching, and exercise is essential to ensure proper remodeling of the scar takes place and normal mobility and function are restored.

What is involved with Scar Tissue Massage?

Usually, a small amount of lubrication is used during scar massage. This is used to keep the scar and skin pliable and soft.

Cross friction massage is commonly used in the treatment of tendonitis and muscle strains or ligament sprains.  This involves using one or two fingers to massage your scar in a direction that is perpendicular to the line of the scar.

Myofascial Release is often used to manage scar tissue and the adhesion that may accompany scar tissue. The technique involves using the hands to massage the skin and underlying tissues around the scar. Motions are slow and the amount of force used is usually light.

How long does this take?

In general, it takes about six to eight weeks to fully remodel injured tissue in the body.  A massage therapist will take it slow and provide a nice, long duration low-load stress to your scar tissue.

All Body Kneads Massage Therapy can help you with unwanted scar tissue. Give us a call today or visit our website to schedule an appointment and continue the healing process.
