Tax season is upon us. Some of us don’t think about our accountants until this time of year as we are gathering up all of documents and stuffing our receipts into shoe boxes. However, this time of year is extremely busy for accountants and auditors. They spend a lot of time hunched over computer keyboards, peering into glowing screens, tallying up numbers on calculators, making phone calls, and basically working hard so we can keep doing what we love to do.

This tax season, you could say “thank you” with a gift of massage. Our accountants keep us out of trouble and we can pay them back by helping with their “trouble” spots. Mainly, neck, shoulders, arms and lower back. Maybe headaches too, for those really difficult clients!

Purchase a Gift Certificate Today!

Related: Why Office Workers Need Massage Therapy

More than eight out of ten accountants are suffering from stress related problems, according to new research from the Chartered Accountants’ Benevolent Association (CABA).

The Benefits of Massage for Accountants

Accountants, like most professionals who work at desk, spend long hours sitting–especially during tax season. This puts a lot of strain on the body. Coupled with higher stress and less sleep, and your body is NOT happy with you. We need our accountants to be sharp and focused. Massage is the answer!

Remind your accountant that he or she could benefit from taking care of themselves while they are also taking care of all of their clients. We all need this gentle reminder sometimes.

Massage can help with:

  • Upper body tension (neck, shoulders, jaw, face, head)
  • Lower back pain (from long hours of sitting)
  • Posture
  • Tension headaches
  • Poor sleep
  • Stress levels

Related: Massage Therapy and Healthy Sleep

According to, additional ways finance professionals can combat work-related stress include:

  • Exercise daily (e.g., yoga, walking, running).
  • Enjoy time with friends or a significant other after work.
  • Engage in a hobby (e.g., gardening, reading).
  • Listen to music.
  • Take vacation time to recharge.

Work-Life Balance

No matter what your profession, it is really important to work on a healthy work-life balance. There will be times in our lives that are busier than others (like tax time), and we can maintain an out-of-balance work load for short periods of time. However, overall, week-to-week, month-to-month, our work-life balance should be, well, BALANCED. It is a lifestyle change that includes prioritizing different areas of your life and making a conscious effort to bring those areas into balance.

Massage can really help with this because it gives you time to relax, listen to your inner voice, reconnect with yourself, and let your subconscious start working on some of these things for you. Self-care is not just a popular buzzword right now–it is really important as statistics of cancer, stress related diseases, hearth attacks, anxiety and depression are running amok in our society. And dear accountants, we know how you love statistics. Just don’t let yourself be one by not taking care of yourself. We all need you to crunch those numbers and keep us honest.

Can’t you just feel your shoulders relaxing and the tension easing from your body already? Don’t you deserve a good night’s sleep?

Please share this article with your accountant, your colleagues, workaholics, and anyone else you think might benefit from a great massage. So, really, everyone! Thank you and be well!

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