4 Massage Myths Debunked

4 Massage Myths Debunked

Do you think massage is out of reach, too time-consuming, or expensive? If so, it’s time to get the facts. Massage therapy can be a great addition to your wellness routine—however, there are plenty of myths floating around about what massage can and cannot do for you. That’s why we’ve debunked four commonly-held notions about massage below, showing that this beneficial practice doesn’t have to stay an elusive dream anymore!

Related: How To Get The Best Massage

Massage Myths You Think Are True

Myth #1 – Massage is only for relaxation and luxury

In reality, massage can help with doms (delayed onset muscle soreness), reduce stress, improve circulation and give you a boost of energy.

Have you ever experienced delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after a workout? It can be frustrating and affect your ability to function properly. That’s where massage comes in. Not only can it help relieve DOMS, but also reduce stress levels and improve circulation. As a caregiver, I know the importance of taking care of oneself, and massage can provide the perfect opportunity for self-care. Additionally, it can increase your energy levels, allowing you to tackle your daily tasks with ease. Don’t let sore muscles hold you back, let massage be a part of your self-care routine.

Myth #2 – Massage is too expensive

Taking care of oneself is paramount to living a fulfilling life. Unwinding and relaxing through a massage is a great way to achieve this. However, some may shy away from it, believing it to be a luxury beyond their means. The good news is that getting regular massages can be affordable without breaking the bank, thanks to budget-friendly massage therapists. You can also opt for massage packages that provide value for your hard-earned money. It’s important to take the time to prioritize and invest in yourself, and getting regular massages is one way to show yourself some much-needed care and attention.

Call All Body Kneads today for more information on our packages. 517-898-2899 

Myth #3 – You don’t need to prepare before getting a massage

In reality, it’s important to hydrate and wear comfortable clothes before going in for your session.

Before going in for your next session, it’s crucial to make sure you’re properly hydrated and dressed in comfortable clothes. Not only will this ensure a more enjoyable experience, but it’s important for your overall well-being. Think of hydrating as fuel for your body, allowing you to work harder and last longer during your session. Wearing comfortable clothes can help you relax and focus on the task at hand, rather than being distracted by tight or restrictive clothing. So take care of yourself beforehand, and you’ll be able to get the most out of your workout, therapy, or whatever session you have scheduled.

Myth #4 – You should wait until something hurts to get a massage

Taking care of your body should be a top priority. With the daily pressures of life, it’s easy to forget about keeping our bodies healthy and strong. However, preventative maintenance is key. By scheduling regular massages, you’re not only treating yourself to a moment of relaxation but also taking steps toward injury prevention. The benefits of a massage extend beyond just the physical release of tension. A regular massage can improve your overall well-being by reducing stress, improving sleep, and promoting mental clarity. So, why not take a moment to book a massage appointment and give your body the care and attention it deserves?

Bonus myth busters

Looking for some more guidance on massage therapy? Check out these great blogs to learn more about the many benefits of massage and how it can help improve your life!

A Short Primer on Five Different Types of Massages
Are You Holding Tension In Any of These Places?

Top 5 Benefits of Facial Massage

Massage Therapy Benefits for Rehabilitation

The Benefits of Pregnancy Massage

A massage session is a chance to relax and recharge, so don’t let the myths stop you from feeling your best. Remember, anyone can benefit from massage therapy, regardless of age, activity level, or condition. With that in mind, it’s important to find the modality that works best for you and ask questions to ensure the therapist is certified in that specific style of massage. When we take care of ourselves, our perspectives and outlook on life become brighter. So take action today – schedule an appointment with us here at All Body Kneads. We’ll help tailor a massage plan specifically for you so that you can live your life to the fullest without letting massage myths get in your way.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 517-898-2899  or book online.

We look forward to helping you feel better and have a more pain-free lifestyle.

Are You Holding Tension In Any of These Places?

Are You Holding Tension In Any of These Places?

Are you feeling exhausted, struggling to make it through the day with a lingering sense of holding tension in your body that won’t seem to go away? Too often as busy adults, we’re so focused on our to-do lists and meeting deadlines that we forget about tending to our mental and physical health. If you’ve been feeling like this lately, perhaps it’s time for taking stock of where the tension is manifesting itself in your body – neck stiffness, shoulder pain, or headaches. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring why these areas are susceptible to muscular tension, what causes them, and ways to find relief.

What Causes Tension?

The direct cause of tension can be caused by several factors, some of which include:

  • A job or activity that requires repetitive movements
  • A strenuous workout
  • Excessive psychological stress

How Stress Causes Tension

Your body and mind are truly connected – when negative emotions like stress flood your brain, they can manifest in physical responses. Your body reflects the rush of cortisol that’s been triggered while activating a fight or flight response. Take some time to pause and reset; make sure you give yourself space for healthy self-care during high-emotion times!

Stress is a natural response to challenging situations, but sometimes our bodies can go into overdrive and cause unwanted muscle tension. It’s as if they’re trying to protect us from harm – even when that danger doesn’t really exist! This reaction may be different for each person, however, it’s important that we take the time to recognize any physical signs of stress before they start taking their toll on our well-being.

Our bodies are telling us something. From our shoulders to low backs, tension can reveal itself in various forms throughout the body – and it’s important for us to pay attention! To ensure we’re taking care of ourselves from head to toe, let’s explore how this tension is manifested in different areas.

Upper Body Tension

Tension in the upper body is most commonly held in the headjawneck, and shoulders.



Stress is the most common trigger for tension-type headaches. When the tension in your head builds up, it can give rise to a specific type of headache. This kind of pain is usually described as mild or moderate and feels like an intense band around the skull. Interestingly enough, there are two main types – episodic headaches which last anywhere from half an hour to one week but occur less than 15 days each month. Chronic headaches appear more often and with greater duration (upwards of several hours).

Massage therapy has proven to help with tension headaches. Gua Sha massage, in particular, may help.


Feeling tension in your jaw can be a sign that something is off. You may have unknowingly tensed or clenched it due to stress, and over time this could lead to discomfort with TMJ disorder. Don’t worry though – there’s still hope! Taking care of yourself by getting a TMJ-specific massage can provide relief from the pain and help manage the problem.

Holding Tension


Easy Fixes for a Tight Neck and Shoulders

After a long day at work, do your neck and shoulders feel tense? You’re not alone; stress-related tension in this area is very common. Muscle spasms can suddenly or slowly cause pain due to the nerves and joints located there. It’s important to remember that job-induced stress isn’t something we have control over – but luckily our bodies tell us when it’s time for some well-deserved TLC! Easy Fixes for a Tight Neck and Shoulders

Working on screens or using technology too much can strain your upper back, neck, and shoulders. That imbalance builds tension in the body which is linked to pain! Thankfully there are massage techniques that help realign these muscles, improve blood flow and release any accumulated stress for longer-lasting relief.

Mid-Body Tension

Tension in the middle of the body typically shows up in the stomach and hips.


Is stress taking its toll on your stomach? You may find your abdominal muscles contract when you’re feeling anxious, leading to uncomfortable feelings. But don’t worry – by engaging in relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation, can help minimize these effects and ease any tension that builds up. And if ever the pain doesn’t improve after trying some self-care practices, make sure you check with a healthcare practitioner for their advice too!

Holding Tension


Our hips play an important role in our physical and mental well-being. The tightness can be caused by everyday factors like sitting for too long or working out frequently, but it may also be triggered during stressful times as a result of the body’s “fight or flight” response. Interestingly, yoga practices suggest that stretching these muscles could help release any emotions we have tucked away – demonstrating how much impact tension from stress has on this area!

Holding Tension

Lower-Body Tension

Lower-body tension is typically found in the legs and feet.


Our legs work tirelessly to support us each and every day, so it’s important for us to ensure we’re looking after them. Muscle tension in the lower limbs can be caused by overuse if you’ve been walking a lot or working out often at the gym – but on other occasions, even extended rest periods can contribute towards feeling stiffness and pain due to lack of movement. The key is finding an all-important middle ground that allows your muscles some time off while still providing enough activity needed! It’s also worth noting that stress brings with it various factors which could result in tense leg muscles too; such as panic attacks or sleep difficulties like tossing/turning throughout the night.

Can Massage Help with Sciatica?

Holding Tension


Our feet are an incredible network of muscles, ligaments, and tendons – but if you spend a lot of time using them or have an active lifestyle it’s no surprise that tension can often build up. When stress strikes our body produces adrenaline which forces vital organs to take priority, leaving your ankles and soles feeling the strain. To reduce tightness in these areas promote circulation through massage – not only will this let go of lingering pressures from physical activity or worrying thoughts; it gives us a chance to relax too!

Foot Massage Therapy

For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 517-898-2899  or book online.

We look forward to helping you feel better and have a more pain-free lifestyle.

Introducing Gua Sha Massage

Introducing Gua Sha Massage

Are you looking for a simple, yet powerful and effective relaxation technique that can give you improved energy levels, reduce muscular tension and stiffness, improve circulation and even help alleviate minor pain? If so, then gua sha (pronounced gwah-shaw) massage may be right for you!

What is Gua Sha massage?

Gua sha is an ancient healing therapy that has been practiced in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Potential health benefits may include reducing inflammation and helping with chronic pain. Gua sha massage involves rolling or scraping a smooth “healing” stone across the skin. You may apply massage oil before using the tool to help it glide more smoothly.

What Do Gua Sha Techniques Look Like

During a gua sha massage, the massage therapist will use a gua sha tool to gently scrape your skin in a downward motion to stimulate soft tissue circulation and boost blood flow.

A gua sha massage tool is typically a smooth-edged, almost heart-shaped stone made from jade or amethyst. Jade is thought to be an ideal stone for gua sha since practitioners believe it has a chi energy that’s similar to the human body and may contain balancing properties. Other common gua sha stones include Bian stone, rose quartz, amethyst, and aventurine. Sometimes medical-grade stainless steel is used by a technician instead of stone. In ancient times, a spoon or coin was also used for gua sha.

Gua sha techniques are typically done on the:

  • back
  • butt
  • neck
  • arms
  • legs
  • A gentler version is sometimes done on the face, too

Does Gua Sha Massage Hurt?

Similar to cupping, it’s sometimes done forcefully enough that it creates red marks or bruising. However, your massage therapist will ask you about pressure and your comfort level.

Benefits of Gua Sha Massage

May reduce inflammation

Inflammation is the cause of most pain in the body. Like other forms of massage, gua sha may promote blood circulation and reduce inflammation, which can help with fibromyalgiaarthritis, and back pain.

May ease headaches

Some patients who have received gua sha massage have noted relief from headaches. Check out this 2007 case study, of a 72-year-old woman with chronic headaches who received gua sha massages for 2 weeks. Her symptoms improved, leading researchers to believe that the massage technique may have helped.

May reduce pain

Massage in general has been known to help with pain and gua sha targets specific areas of pain. Check out a 2014 study where 60 regular computer users reported that gua sha improved their range of movement and reduced neck and shoulder pain. Another 2011 study of 48 patients with neck pain found that those who received gua sha treatment reported reduced pain compared to those who were treated with heating pads.

May soothe breast engorgement

Many women who are breastfeeding experience engorgement, an uncomfy and potentially painful condition where the breasts become extremely full of milk. Historically, gua sha massage has been used to alleviate pain associated with engorged breasts and may prevent mastitis.

Other Benefits

Patients have also reported that massage in general, and gua sha massage in particular have helped with insomnia, irregular periods, anxiety, and fatigue.

Where can you find a qualified Gua Sha massage therapist?

It is important that you always see a licensed and experienced massage therapist. Especially when you are seeking a therapist who is skilled in a particular massage technique. Because of the tools and pressure required for gua sha, it is imperative that a massage therapist has the correct training.

Bilky Joda-Miller, the owner of All Body Kneads, is a skilled practitioner of gua sha massage. If you are curious about the technique, you can schedule it as an add-on to a regular 60 or 90-minute massage to try it out.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 517-898-2899  or book online.

We look forward to helping you feel better and have a more pain-free lifestyle.

What To Tell Your Massage Therapist

What To Tell Your Massage Therapist

Massage therapy can be a wonderful way to relax, de-stress, and relieve pain. But in order to get the most out of your session, it’s important to communicate with your therapist. When you go for a massage, your therapist will ask you how you’re feeling. It’s important to give them as much information as possible so they can give you the best possible massage.

Here are a few things to keep in mind before and during your massage.

Before Your Session: Let Your Therapist Know About Any Injuries
It’s always a good idea to let your therapist know about any recent injuries or health concerns you may have. This will help them adapt the massage to your specific needs.

This will help them determine which areas to focus on and which areas to avoid. Telling them about your injury will also help them understand what kind of pressure you can handle.

What kind of pressure do you prefer?

Do you like deep-tissue massages or prefer a lighter touch? Letting your therapist know before the session starts will help them give you the best massage possible. If you’re not sure, ask for a combination of both light and deep pressure throughout the session. It is perfectly ok to let the massage therapist know during the massage if you want more or less pressure on certain areas.

The Room

Let the therapist know what music volume you prefer, and silence is ok too! How is the room temperature? Do you prefer to be warmer or cooler? Many massage tables have heating pads that are easy to adjust or turn off. We want you to be comfortable and relaxed, so don’t hesitate to speak up if something isn’t working for you.

Focus on Your Breath and Body Sensations
Don’t be afraid to tell your therapist that you don’t want to talk during your session. You’ll actually get more benefits from the massage if you settle into the mindfulness of your breath and body sensations and get out of your thinking mind. If you find your mind wandering, simply bring your attention back to your breath. Remember that massage is a time for you to relax and rejuvenate, so do your best to let go of any stress or tension you may be holding onto.

Massage therapy can be an extremely beneficial experience – but only if you take the time to communicate with your therapist and focus on being present during the session. by following these tips, you can ensure that you’ll get the most out of your next massage.

Bilky Joda-Miller, massage therapist and owner of All Body Kneads is skilled in many types of massage.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 517-898-2899  or book online.

We look forward to helping you feel better and have a more pain-free lifestyle.

Can Massage Help with Sciatica?

Can Massage Help with Sciatica?

If you suffer from sciatica, you’re not alone. You know how debilitating the pain can be. The good news is that massage may be able to help! In this blog post, we’ll discuss what sciatica is, what causes it, and how massage therapy can provide relief.

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is a condition that occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes compressed or irritated. The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back through the buttocks and down the legs. When this nerve becomes compressed or irritated, it can cause pain in the lower back, hips, and legs. Sciatica can also cause numbness, tingling, and weakness in the affected leg.

Sciatica can be caused by a number of things, including:

  • posture
  • spinal misalignment
  • herniated discs
  • spinal stenosis
  • degenerative disc disease
  • piriformis syndrome
  • pregnancy

Activities such as sitting for long periods of time or lifting heavy objects can also contribute to sciatica.

Thankfully, there are treatments available that can help ease the pain of sciatica. One such treatment is massage therapy. But does massage really help with sciatica? Let’s take a closer look.

How Massage Can Help Relieve Sciatica Pain

There are a few ways in which massage can help to relieve sciatica pain.

First, massage can help to loosen any tight muscles or tissues that may be putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. This pressure is often what leads to the pain associated with sciatica.

Second, massage therapy can increase blood flow and circulation to the affected area. This increase in blood flow helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Finally, massage therapy can help to release endorphins—the body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals—which can further help to ease sciatica pain.

If you’re considering massage therapy as a treatment for your sciatica, it’s important to choose a qualified therapist who has experience treating this condition. Be sure to book a consultation beforehand so that you can discuss your goals for treatment and make sure that massage is right for you.


If you suffer from sciatica, you know how painful and debilitating the condition can be. Thankfully, massage therapy may be able to help! Massage can help to increase blood flow to the area, reduce inflammation, and release tight muscles that may be pressing on the nerve. If you’re looking for relief from your sciatica pain, consider scheduling an appointment with All Body Kneads today!

For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 517-898-2899 or book online.

We look forward to helping you feel better and have a more pain-free lifestyle.

Top 5 Benefits of Facial Massage

Top 5 Benefits of Facial Massage

When it comes to facial massage, there are countless benefits to be had. From improving your skin’s texture and complexion, to reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, facial massage can do wonders for your appearance. But that’s not all – facial massage can also help improve your overall mood and sense of well-being.

BONUS: If you book a massage or sauna session in September, receive a complimentary facial mask add-on!

So if you’re looking for a way to take care of yourself both inside and out, facial massage is a great option. Here are five of the top benefits of facial massage.

1) Improved skin texture and complexion

Massaging your face regularly helps stimulate blood circulation, which in turn helps keep your skin healthy and radiant. We all know that spending time in the sun can really damage our skin and make us look older, but did you also realize how important it is for your face to stay healthy? Regularly massaging with gentle pressure helps stimulate blood circulation which keeps any toxins from building up on top of each other! The more they are pushed away towards those pores at their source-the faster this will happen because there’s no space available anymore. And who wouldn’t want a brighter-looking complexion?

2) Reduction in wrinkles and fine lines

The gentle massaging motion helps promote collagen production, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines over time. Facial massages have been shown to increase circulation in the face, which promotes oxygen and blood flow in the skin. Not only does this result in reducing puffiness or dark circles around your eyes – but it also creates a brighter appearance by increasing collagen production! You can get that ‘natural face lift’ without surgery with just one 20-30 minute session each week at home using our favorite method: a facial massage therapy.

3) Improved mood and sense of well-being

Just like a full-body massage, facials are a great way to relax and de-stress. The therapeutic effects of facial massage can help improve your mood, and sense of well-being overall while also helping you achieve that all-important relaxation! Massages work our facial muscles by releasing tension while lifting the skin and making them firmer. Think of it as an anti-aging treatment and natural therapy. Remember, Self-Care is Not Selfish!


4) Removal of Excess Waste in the Body

One of the best parts about facials is that they can help you have a clearer complexion. The massaging motion helps dislodge any built-up toxins from your face, which in turn will leave behind an even more beautiful and glowing skin tone for everyone to see!

5) Increased absorption of skincare products

By increasing blood flow to the area, facial massage also allows skincare products to be better absorbed by the skin, leading to improved results. So if you’re looking for an easy way to boost your beauty routine, add some regular facial massages into the mix!

Book Your Massage in September and Get a Free Facial Mask Add-On

The benefits of facial massage are vast and varied. From reducing wrinkles to relieving tension headaches, it’s no wonder this form of massage is growing in popularity. If you haven’t given facial massage a try yet, we highly recommend it.

Bilky Joda-Miller, massage therapist and owner of All Body Kneads is skilled in many types of massage, including facial massage. You can get it as an add-on to any massage or sauna appointment. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 517-898-2899  or book online.

We look forward to helping you feel better and have a more pain-free lifestyle.

How to Give Yourself a Facial Massage

JAWLINE & CHEEKS:  Use the pads of your fingers to massage your chin, jawline, and cheeks in upward circular movements.

FOREHEAD:  Use your fingertips to smooth your forehead with a firm lifting movement. Starting at the eyebrows and finishing at the hairline.  Next, use the pads of your fingers to make small circular movements beginning between your eyebrows, and working toward the temples.

EYES:  Use your pinky fingers alternately and tap the delicate skin underneath the inner eye, working outward toward the temples.

Cold Stone Massage Benefits

Cold Stone Massage Benefits

If you’re looking for a way to reduce inflammation and ease pain, then cold stone massage might be the solution for you.

The cool stones used during massage can help contract muscles, increase circulation, and alleviate bloating. By cooling down the muscles and skin, cold stone massage therapy feels soothing, calming, refreshing, and rejuvenating throughout the body, which can also reduce stress, relieve tension, and boost energy levels.

First, we chill smooth stones on ice and then gently place them or roll them over the face, neck, or other areas of the body. This is also called cryotherapy and the cooling of the skin causes the blood vessels to constrict. This can reduce swelling and pain in sore areas.

Benefits Of Cold Stone Massage

Cool Body Temperature

Cold stones are a great way to cool down your body when you’re feeling too hot. Not only do they help alleviate the discomfort of high temperatures, but coldstone therapy also has benefits for other conditions and doesn’t cause desensitization like ice does!

Increase Circulation/Lower Blood Pressure

Massage therapy using cold stones can be a great way to help improve circulation and reduce high blood pressure.

Improves Range Of Motion & Flexibility

Pain is usually a symptom of inflammation. When your muscles are inflamed, they are also usually in pain. Cold stones can reduce inflammation which increases your range of motion and flexibility.

Relieve Migraines

By rolling or placing cold stones on the temples, forehead, and sides of your face you can reduce the blood rushing to these areas which may relieve migraines and less severe headaches.

Soothes Sinus Pressure

The cold temperature of these stones during a massage can improve lymphatic flow by opening up nodes and draining fluids. This helps alleviate symptoms like sinusitis and allergies, as well as any other pressure build-up.

Eases Menstrual Symptoms

When cold stone massage therapy is applied to the abdominal region, it can reduce swelling around the uterus. This can help alleviate pain, bloating, and discomfort.

Improves Skin

As cold stones stimulate the skin, they oxygenate cells which encourages cell repair and reduces cytokines. This improves the complexion by reducing puffiness or redness on the face.

Relieves Minor Injuries

Sore muscles, joint pain, and tendinitis may benefit from cold stone massage therapy. Cold stones are easier for the skin to handle than direct ice for inflammation and reducing swelling.

Where to Find Cold Stone Massage

Bilky Joda-Miller, massage therapist and owner of All Body Kneads is skilled in cold (and hot) stone massage. You can get it as an add-on to any massage or sauna appointment. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call517-898-2899  or book online.

We look forward to helping you feel better and have a more pain-free lifestyle.

What is Kinesio Taping?

What is Kinesio Taping?

Have you heard of Kinesio taping? Chances are, if you are, or were, a high school or college athlete, you may have had Kinesio taping for an injury.

What is Kinesio Taping and what does it do?

Have you ever seen someone with brightly colored strips of tape on their body and wondered what it was? That’s Kinesio taping, but what is it exactly? And what are the benefits of using it? Keep reading to find out!

Kinesio taping is a method of Athletic Taping that uses Kinesiology tape to improve the body’s natural healing process. The tape helps to support muscles and joints and can be used to prevent and treat injuries. Kinesio taping is often used by athletes but can be helpful for anyone with muscle or joint pain. If you’re interested in trying kinesiology tape, we can provide it as an add-on to any massage therapy or sauna appointment at All Body Kneads.

How is Kinesio Taping from other taping methods of taping?

Kinesiology tape is water-resistant, so it can endure even showers and other moisture contacts. It is strong enough that you may be able to use the same tape application for three to five days without irritating the skin or underlying structures. Kinesiology tape allows you to have a normal range of motion while still providing support.

In contrast, the athletic tape should only be applied a short time before an activity, and removed immediately after the activity, to ensure no further damage is done to the area. It is not water-proof, and the retained moisture it can trap will irritate the skin if left too long. Just the adhesive itself can cause irritation – so, instead of being applied directly onto the skin, it is often advised to use a non-adhesive pre-wrap between the tape and the skin.

(source: https://www.physixgear.com/blogs/sport-and-wellness/kinesiology-tape-vs-athletic-tape-which-one-is-right-for-me)

kinesio taping

What are the benefits of using Kinesio Tape?

  • decreases pain
  • increases circulation and decreases inflammation
  • improves posture and supports muscles
  • Improves athletic performance
  • Allows the internal injury to heal
  • Helps prevent further muscle injury while still allowing motion

Who can benefit from using Kinesio Tape

Kinesiology taping is a simple, effective way to get relief from pain and discomfort. It’s especially good for people who suffer from overused or injured muscles as well as those suffering from degenerative joint disease because it helps support their joints without putting pressure on them!

Kinesiology taping can help:

  • People who have jobs that require hard physical labor and repetitive movements (construction workers, factory workers, gardeners, mechanics, miners, secretaries, etc.)
  • People who work at a desk for long periods of time
  • People who have sedentary lifestyles
  • Athletes and other physically active people
  • People who have bad posture
  • People with joint pain or muscle or tendon injuries of any kind
kinesio taping

Kinesiology tape is commonly used on the following body areas:

  • Back
  • Calves
  • Elbows
  • Hamstrings
  • Knees
  • Shins
  • Shoulders
  • Wrists

Who Can Help With My Muscle Pain and Joint Issues?

Bilky Joda-Miller, massage therapist and owner of All Body Kneads is skilled in applying Kinesio Taping. You can get it as an add-on to any massage or sauna appointment. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call517-898-2899  or book online.

We look forward to helping you feel better and have a more pain-free lifestyle.

Massage Therapy for Veterans

Massage Therapy for Veterans

Most people don’t think of massage therapy as a treatment for veterans, but it can be very beneficial. Veterans, you deserve the best of the best when it comes to your health and well-being. That’s why we’d like to let you know about the amazing benefits of massage therapy. From reducing stress and anxiety to easing pain and improving sleep quality, massage can help you feel your best both mentally and physically. Did you know that massage therapy is one of the most effective ways to treat PTSD?

If you’re a veteran who is interested in trying massage therapy, be sure to talk to your doctor first to see if it’s right for you. There are many different types of massage therapies available and it is important to find the right one for you.

Massage therapy for veterans can manage pain and stress

Chronic pain is a major health concern within the veteran population. According to the American Massage Therapy Institute, Musculoskeletal pain is common, with research showing it’s the leading cause of disability among veterans and that up to 70 percent of the veteran population is affected.

Massage therapy can help with chronic pain. Massage therapy is often prescribed as a regular, non-evasive, non-addictive pain management tool.

Besides the pain itself, as if that wasn’t enough, chronic pain can cause other symptoms like loss of sleep, elevated levels of stress, depression, and anxiety. These issues, coupled with the pain, create a vicious cycle of pain for those who suffer from the problem. Massage can break that cycle.

Massage Can Help With PTSD

While massage can help with stress and anxiety, it doesn’t make PTSD go away. It can make it easier to manage. If you, or someone you know, suffers from PTSD, a massage may be a great way to manage triggers and reduce anxiety.

According to Psychiatric Times, massage controls pain severity through its effects on both physical and psychological symptoms. A significant reduction of PTSD symptoms has been seen in veterans after massage therapy. Moreover, findings suggest a reduction in substance abuse, anxiety, stress, depression, and dissociation.

Massage Can Help with Anxiety

The Mayo Clinic reports a 60-minute massage can lower cortisol, the stress hormone, by up to 30 percent after just one session. Stress is a huge part of anxiety and lowering stress is the key to managing anxiety.

If you have been feeling overly anxious lately due to events you can identify or are looking for ways to manage your anxiety disorder in a gentle, relaxing way, the good news is that massage therapy can really help.

Massage Therapy Promotes Better Sleep

Insomnia and sleep disorders are also common in the veteran population. According to the AMTA, “While insomnia is a common issue among the general U.S. population, this condition presents an even greater problem to veterans. A study conducted in 2017 involving primary care providers’ perspectives on veterans showed that more than half of the veterans already enrolled in VA health care centers in the Midwest demonstrated having significantly higher levels of insomnia.

As with so many other conditions, sleep disturbances can lead to other problems. For example, a 2017 study found that sleep disturbances and nightmares may be linked to an increased risk for suicide.

The best way to achieve healthy sleep habits is by natural medication-free means. Studies have shown that regular massage therapy reduces fatigue, promotes relaxation, and contributes to high-quality sleep. The benefits of massage are both immediate and long-term.

People who receive massages experience a more restorative type of sleep, both immediately following the massage and even several hours afterward. Their bodies are more relaxed, with reduced aches and pains, and able to fall more quickly into a deep sleep.

There are many different types of massage, so veterans can find one that best suits their needs

As a trained and certified massage therapist, I offer a variety of services to suit different needs. The following types of massage could be helpful.

Swedish Massage

This is one of the most well-known types of massage. When people talk about massage therapy, they most likely mean a Swedish massage. It is sometimes called a “classic massage.” A Swedish massage is characterized by long gliding strokes, kneading, and circular movements on the body. Massage lotion or oil is applied to reduce friction on the skin during a session. This type of massage helps ease joint pain, muscle aches, and stiffness. It also improves circulation and facilitates healing after an injury. It is highly adaptable and could be very gentle and relaxing.

Chair Massage

Chair massages are also known as seated or on-site massages. The fully-clothed client sits on a specially-designed chair, which facilitates the session. The massage is concentrated mainly on the back, arms, and hands of the client. The therapist may use a variety of techniques, such as Swedish and Deep Tissue massages. An advantage of this type of massage is its versatility and portability. 

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massages, as the name implies, go deeper into the muscles than a regular or Swedish massage. It can help with rehabilitation after an injury, chronic muscle pain, and conditions such as arthritis and tendonitis. It is often combined with other types of massage.

Massage therapy is an effective way to manage chronic pain and improve your overall health. As a trained and certified massage therapist, I offer a variety of services to suit different needs. Please contact All Body Kneads and schedule a message today.

Thank you for your service.

Massage Therapy Benefits for Rehabilitation

Massage Therapy Benefits for Rehabilitation

Massage Therapy Benefits for Rehabilitation

If you’re like most people, you probably think of massage therapy as a way to relax and de-stress. And while that’s definitely one of the benefits of massage, there are many others that can be helpful for rehabilitating injuries. Massage has been shown to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. If you’re recovering from an injury, talk to your doctor about whether massage therapy might be a good option for you. You may be surprised at how much it can help!

Before Surgery

Surgery can be a stressful experience, and the anticipation of pain before surgery often leads to higher levels in patients who have never experienced this type of physical discomfort. Addressing these fears early on is crucial for post-surgery management. Massage therapy before a major event like surgery or even difficult physical therapy can help prepare the mind and body to get the maximum benefit from the process.

The post-surgical pain and other common physical issues that many people experience after surgery can also be difficult to deal with. Luckily, massage therapy is an excellent form of treatment for this type of discomfort because it provides muscles with gentle touching which helps alleviate stress on the body’s system as well reduce inflammation from scarring.

After Surgery

Post-surgical pain can be a major issue for patients, and it’s something we have to take into consideration when they are recovering from surgery. Research shows persistent or chronic post-surgical pain lasting two to three months is responsible for nearly 1 in 4 cases of chronic pain. 

We all know that postop recovery isn’t always easy but this task becomes more complicated if you’re experiencing chronic or persistent levels of discomfort which may delay your return back into daily life activities. Studies indicate that massage therapy has a variety of benefits for helping people recover faster from surgeries, and also helps with:

  • Decreasing postoperative pain and intensity
  • Reducing postoperative pain, stress, and anxiety
  • Mitigating sympathetic responses to postoperative pain
  • Decreasing doses of analgesics
  • Boosting levels of calmness and feelings of well-being
  • Reducing inflammation and scar tissue
  • Helping regain full range of motion without discomfort
  • Aiding in the re-alignment of muscles and joints
  • Help improve circulation and reduce swelling

Your Rehabilitation Will Improve with Massage Therapy

Talk to your doctor or therapist about whether massage therapy might be right for you after surgery, an accident, or a major illness. Massage therapy is a great addition to your rehabilitation program. Plus, it just feels good!

If you have surgery or a major health event coming up, consider incorporating massage therapy into your pre-and post-procedure care in order to prepare to the best of your ability and to shorten your recovery time.

Make an appointment today with All Body Kneads. You can call 517-898-2899  or click the link below to schedule online.

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