Do you suffer from tight, achy neck and shoulder muscles? When you’re stressed out or tense, your shoulders tend to hunch forward. This puts pressure on the back of your neck which can lead to pain and stiffness. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you’re just sore or actually dealing with an injury like whiplash. Here are some easy things that could help release tension in those areas so you can feel good again!

Tips for Tigh Neck and Shoulders

Heating pad. Place a small heating pad over the neck and shoulders for about 20 minutes.

Foam Roller. Apply pressure to tight muscles with your hands or use a foam roller.

Gentle Stretching. Stretch your neck by tilting your head to one side, then the other. Stretch regularly throughout the day – don’t wait until you’re tired to stretch!

Self- Massage. Massage sore areas with lotion or oil. Check out our article on self-massage tips for more information.

Good Sleep. Get plenty of sleep every night – you need at least 7 hours of sleep each night for healthy muscle function!

Take Breaks. Take breaks from sitting up straight all day long by resting in between tasks, stretching often, and taking walks during lunch break.

Hot Bath. Try a hot bath with Epsom salts and lavender oil

Light Exercise. Take some time out of your day to do neck rolls, shoulder shrugs, and arm circles

Good Posture. Practice good posture by sitting up straight in your chair at work or home.

Lighten Your Load. Don’t carry a heave a backpack, purse, or crossbody bag that is pulling on your neck and shoulders.

Reduce Phone Use. “Text neck” is a term that has been coined to describe the posture formed by leaning forward for prolonged periods, for example when viewing a cellphone while reading and texting. This can cause stress injuries and pain.  This posture often results in neck and shoulder pain, and headaches.

If these tips aren’t helping or you are seeking more relief, it is time to call a professional massage therapist. All Body Kneads can provide full body massage or a concentration on your neck and shoulders.


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