What is a Skinny Massage?

Please note that Skinny Massage does not promote weight loss alone. Rather, it focuses on problem areas of the body such as upper arms, abdomen, upper legs, back, and buttocks.

By focusing on these areas where cellulite likes to show off, massage strokes can help induce a smoother, toner appearance.

Does Infrared Sauna Sessions promote weight loss?

Traditional saunas rely upon temperatures of 185 to 195 degrees Fahrenheit, which tends to overwhelm people who are sensitive to heat. However, an infrared sauna heats up to only 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. A study review performed by Dr. Richard Beever further indicated that heat from an infrared sauna can travel deeply into the skin, which suggests that it can target fats with greater efficiency.

Skinny Massage Plus Infrared Heat is a Good Combination

The best way to lose weight it through a healthy diet and moderate exercise. But sometimes we need that extra boost to help our efforts. A massage that zeroes in on the areas you are already working on will help sore muscles and work to smooth cellulite. Coupled with the deep heat of a sauna, and you will be sure to relax and feel good.

All Body Kneads’ Skinny Massage Package info is listed below. Call us today to make an appointment. 517.898.2899

Skinny Massage Package: will start with an Infrared Sauna Session, followed by vibration and then full body massage that includes working on cellulite problem areas that improves circulation in those areas to help minimize & eliminate cellulite. Skinny Massage will not make you skinny or make you lose weight if you are just relying on this massage alone.

120 Minute Skinny Massage $120.00

Simple Skinny Massage does not include the infrared sauna session or the vibration it is a full body massage that includes working on cellulite problem areas that improves circulation in those areas, to help minimize and eliminate cellulite.

60 Minute Simple Skinny Massage $80.00

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