5 Healing Benefits of Infrared Sauna Therapy

5 Healing Benefits of Infrared Sauna Therapy

In our pursuit of balanced health, sometimes the oldest paths become new. Long before modern medicine, humans sought healing through the warmth of the sun’s rays. Today, we have harnessed that natural glow into Infrared Sauna Therapy—a revolutionary modality of self-care and wellness. It’s a practice that’s gaining momentum among health enthusiasts and skeptics alike, and for good reason: the benefits of infrared sauna therapy are vast, from detoxification to stress reduction.

If you’re a wellness-minded individual on a quest to discover new paths of healing, or simply looking to enhance your understanding of holistic health solutions, this post is a warm invitation to explore the therapeutic wonders of infrared sauna therapy.

Beyond the soothing ambiance and the cozy heat, these infrared rays penetrate deep within, sparking a cascade of rejuvenation processes that lead to profound well-being. Today, we’re going to immerse ourselves in the science and serenity behind infrared sauna therapy, exploring five healing benefits that could elevate your health to new, sunlit peaks.

Book your infrared sauna session today at All Body Kneads.

Call 517-898-2899 or book online.

What Is Infrared Sauna Therapy?

Before we bask in the glow of its benefits, it’s essential to understand what infrared sauna therapy is. Unlike traditional saunas that heat the air around you, infrared saunas use radiant heat to warm your body directly, promoting an increase in core temperature. This method allows the gentle, comforting heat to reach deeply into tissues, muscles, and even organs without overburdening your breath with excessive humidity. It’s a gentle, gradual experience that many find more tolerable and relaxing than traditional heat.

Infrared saunas harness the so-called ‘far’ and ‘near’ spectrums, offering their healing touch without the harmful UV rays present in natural sunlight or tanning beds. The result is a purer form of warmth, designed to benefit the body without the risk of sunburn or skin damage. You can add an infrared session to any massage appointment at All Body Kneads.

Five Healing Benefits of an Infrared Sauna

Detoxification – Sweating Out Toxins, One Molecule at a Time

We live in a world awash with pollutants. The modern diet and lifestyle expose us to a myriad of chemicals that can accumulate in our bodies over time, leading to a host of health issues. Enter infrared sauna therapy, a gentle yet effective way to help the body eliminate toxins.

Sweating is your body’s natural way of detoxifying—even more so with the intensified harvesting of toxins that infrared saunas provide. Medical professionals contend that sweating is the body’s most powerful means of ridding itself of impurities, and studies show that the sweat produced in infrared saunas can contain up to 7 times more toxins than traditional sweating methods.

Many infrared sauna users report clearer skin, lighter moods, and a profound sense of rejuvenation, signaling that perhaps it’s not just the heat, but also the cleansing, that makes infrared sauna therapy so appealing.

Relief from Muscle Pain and Tension – Unwinding the Knots in Your Body

Whether from the stress of daily life, intense workouts, or the slings and arrows of time, muscle pain is a universal foe. Infrared saunas can be a warm haven for aching joints and tired muscles. The deep, penetrating heat soothes the muscles, increases circulation, and promotes relaxation, all of which can help alleviate pain and promote faster recovery.

Infrared sauna users often find relief from ailments such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and sports injuries. The heat can help soften tight muscles and release the tension trapped within, offering comfort and ease. Dancers, weekend warriors, and joggers take note: a session inside can be just what your sore muscles need to dance with joy once more.

Add an infrared session to any massage appointment at All Body Kneads.

Call 517-898-2899 or book online.

Weight Loss – Melting the Unwanted Pounds with Every Session

While an infrared sauna is no substitute for a balanced diet and regular exercise, it can be a delightful complement to your wellness journey. The increase in core body temperature experienced in an infrared sauna stimulates a calorie-burning response akin to moderate exercise, with some reports claiming you can burn upwards of 600 calories in a single session.

This passive calorie burn doesn’t just vanish the numbers on the scale—it can also help reduce visceral fat, a type of fat associated with a multitude of health risks. There’s also evidence to show that infrared sauna therapy can improve insulin sensitivity, another factor that can contribute to weight management and overall health.

Whether you’re aiming to slim down or simply support a healthy body composition, the infrared sauna’s assistance in the fat-fighting fight is the warm, encouraging hand you need on your side.

Skin Health – Radiant Glow from Your Sauna Session

One of the most delightful byproducts of infrared sauna therapy is the radiant glow that users often display. The increase in blood flow and the resulting cleansing sweat can lead to clearer, softer, and more youthful-looking skin.

The gentle heat can also help stimulate collagen production, tighten tissues, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sagging. For those with inflammatory skin conditions like acne, eczema, or psoriasis, the calming warmth of the infrared sauna can help alleviate symptoms and promote healing.

Call 517-898-2899 or book online.

Stress Relief and Relaxation – The Emotional Equilibrium Found in an Infrared Sauna

In this age of perpetual motion and digital noise, finding solace can be hard. The consistent warmth and cozy nook-like quality of an infrared sauna session can be a balm to the soul. The heat prompts your body to release endorphins, the feel-good hormones that can create a natural ‘high’ and ease feelings of stress and tension.

In addition to endorphin release, the languid ambiance of a sauna session can facilitate mindfulness which is often elusive in our fast-paced world. Studies have shown that regular infrared sauna therapy can also lead to decreases in cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone. These cumulative effects make the infrared sauna a sanctuary for those seeking respite from the hurry and worry of everyday life.

Indulging in a session at All Body Kneads is not just an act of escape—it’s a measured return to the very essence of what it means to feel at home and at peace in your own body.


The healing potential of infrared sauna therapy is as deep as the warmth it provides. With benefits ranging from detoxification to tranquility, weight management, and skin health, it’s an ancient art revived in a modern context. If you’ve yet to experience the restorative power of the infrared sauna, perhaps now is the time to allow its gentle rays to touch your skin, your muscles, and the core of your being.

At All Body Kneads, we believe in the power of natural therapies to uplift and heal. Our infrared sauna is just one of the ways we provide a nurturing environment for you to flourish. We warmly invite you to step inside and experience the healing warmth for yourself. Your well-being, after all, is the truest reflection of our commitment to your care.

Book your infrared sauna session today at All Body Kneads.

Call 517-898-2899 or book online.

Massage Plus Aromatherapy for Stress Relief

Massage Plus Aromatherapy for Stress Relief

aromatherapy for stress reliefHow do you use aromatherapy for stress relief?

We often talk about how massage therapy can help ease stress (and who doesn’t need that?

Did you know you can take the benefits of regular massages one step further by using aromatherapy for stress relief?

Massage by itself already has amazing benefits, both for your body and mind. No matter what type of massage you get, you come away more relaxed. Muscles are less achy. Your mind is calmer. Your massage therapist always creates a soothing environment that will help you benefit the most from the healing power of touch. This environment includes soft lights and calming music. Aromatherapy adds an extra dimension by involving the sense of smell.

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is an age-old practice that uses essential oils derived from plants. These days, you can find many aromatherapy products in the form of candles, bath soaps, oils, even little pillows filled with sweet-smelling herbs. When combined with massage, aromatherapy uses the properties of essential oils to achieve specific results. Massage with aromatherapy goes beyond reducing physical aches. When inhaled, the scents induce both physical and mental responses. Depending on the oil that is used, the overall effect could be ultimate relaxation, rejuvenation or re-invigoration. Relaxing scents reduce the levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) in our bodies. Invigorating scents increase our energy and wakefulness.

Types of Oils for Aromatherapy for Stress Relief

Any essential oil used for massage therapy should be natural and organic. These oils are extracted from plants, not made in a laboratory. They are processed in a way that their natural scents and properties are retained. Going to a certified massage therapist will help assure that the oils used are of high-quality and meant specifically for massage therapy.

Relaxing oils include lavender and chamomile.

Lavender has been shown to calm down fussy babies and promote sleep. Essential oils derived from citrus, such as lemon and orange, are invigorating oils. Others, like eucalyptus, helps clear the mind while spearmint lifts your spirit and improves concentration.

Rosemary, on the other hand, promotes contentment and positive emotions. Your massage therapist will help you choose an aromatherapy oil to use during your massage, depending on your overall condition and goals for the session.

Listen carefully to her instructions as she tells you what to expect from each essential oil she has available.

How to Maximize the Benefits of Aromatherapy for Stress Relief

Once you have chosen the essential oil for your session, relax and let your massage therapist do her job. She will use the oil throughout your massage. In addition to the added benefits of scent, the oil also helps your therapist’s hands glide smoothly across your skin. The reduced friction lets her work your muscles effectively without any discomfort to you. The oil also moisturizes your skin during your session. Breathe deeply and let the scent work its magic. Think happy, relaxing thoughts and just savor the experience as it envelopes you.

After your session, linger for a few minutes on the massage table. Don’t hurry off to get back into your busy day.

Finally, ask your therapist for a bottle of the essential oil that you picked. Some oils can be used for self-massage, or to add to warm water for a relaxing bath. You can enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy for stress relief, even in the comforts of your own home.

What is your favorite relaxing smell?