Massage Can Help with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and RSI

Massage Can Help with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and RSI

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a type of RSI (repetitive strain injury) that is more common now than ever before. RSIs are caused by overuse and repetition – such as typing, using a computer mouse, driving, video games, lifting heavy objects, and even sports and exercise if done incorrectly.

The pain from RSIs typically occurs in the upper part of the body. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome generally hurts in the wrists and forearms, but the problem actually originates from the shoulder area.

According to the Mayo Clinic:

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway surrounded by bones and ligaments on the palm side of your hand. When the median nerve is compressed, the symptoms can include numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and arm.”

Signs of Repetitive Strain Injury

According to Moore Life Health and Healing Chiropractors: Evidence of RSIs typically begin gradually and become constant and more intense. Pain tends to start in the wrists and hands, forearms and elbows, or neck and shoulders. If you ignore early signs you may not notice or be slowed down by it until it becomes really bad or unbearable. But there is no need to get to that point. If left untreated symptoms may limit your ability to perform your usual activities.

Symptoms include:

  • pain, ranging from mild to severe
  • tenderness
  • swelling
  • stiffness
  • tingling or numbness
  • throbbing
  • weakness
  • sensitivity to cold or heat

Massage Can Help With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Massage therapy is an effective way to help relieve carpal tunnel syndrome-related symptoms. It can also be used to prevent developing RSIs. If you work in one of the professions or industries listed below you should consider adding massage therapy to your regular self-care routine. It could save you a lot of pain, medication, and surgery in the future.

Massage therapy helps treat CTS by reducing inflammation, pain, and numbness in the carpal tunnel. This happens by lengthening the muscles and fascia in the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, and hand.

Deep tissue massage can be used to stimulate trigger points and reduce the tension in the soft tissues of the shoulder, arm, hand, and wrist. It can also help increase joint mobility in those areas.

Related: What is Trigger Point Massage?

Myofascial tissue massage is also a wonderful technique to help with this sort of pain. cupping on the hand, used in combination with massage therapy, is another effective way to reduce muscle tension that may be contributing to symptoms associated with CTS.

All Body Kneads provides several types of massage therapy including Deep Tissue, therapeutic, and myofascial massage.

Book an appointment today!

Occupations Prone to Developing RSI and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Many types of jobs require us to do the same thing over and over again. However, the following occupations seem to be more prone to developing RSIs:

Are You Interested in Massage Therapy?

We at All Body Kneads would love to talk to you about your work habits and RSIs so we can create a treatment plan that can best address your issues. Please contact us at:

Business Phone (517) 898-2899
6910 South Cedar Street, Suite #4
Lansing, MI 48911-6912

You can also schedule an appointment online at here.

Massage Can Help Improve Energy Levels

Massage Can Help Improve Energy Levels

We are deep into winter in the Mid-West and many people’s energy levels are waning. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), lower vitamin D levels, less exercise, and irregular sleep patterns can all contribute to lower energy. Oh, if we could all be like bears and hibernate through the winter.

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However, life goes on through all seasons and even a global pandemic. Anxiety and depression can also make you feel tired and lethargic.

So, what are some natural and safe things we can do to boost our energy levels?

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can help improve energy levels in several ways. First, it improves sleep, which is essential not just for physical health, but also for mental and emotional well-being. Anyone who’s had only 4-5 hours of sleep during the night can attest to the negative effect on an entire day. People who literally bounce out of bed in the morning, ready to take on anything that comes their way, are more likely to be those who have slept 8 hours or more.

Massage therapy also helps with anxiety and depression by helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Cortisol is often called “the stress hormone” because it is a naturally-occurring steroid hormone that plays a key role in the body’s stress response. If you lower your stress, you lower your cortisol levels which is a chemical byproduct of stress. Less stress = less cortisol = more energy.

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Improved Sleep Routine

As mentioned above, good sleep habits are essential to maintaining energy levels throughout the day. We all know what it feels like to slog through the day on very little sleep. Everything seems harder. Are you aware of how much sleep you get on average? Ideally, we should be getting 8 hours of RESTFUL sleep. This does not mean that we can count eight hours from when our head hits the pillow to when our alarm goes off in the morning. If you toss and turn, wake up, get up to go the bathroom, etc. you are not getting eight hours. If this sounds like your sleep pattern you may need to go to be earlier or get up later in order to get a solid eight hours of restful sleep.

Maintaining the same sleep schedule throughout the week, including the weekends, can really help as well. Sleeping too much can also make you feel tired and lethargic during waking hours.

There are many apps and tools that can assist you in created the perfect sleep environment for your preferences.

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Eating Healthy to Improve Energy Levels

Food is the fuel for our body so what you eat directly effects your energy. High sugar foods will give you a boost and then a crash. Too much caffeine could have the same effect. Many people feel really sluggish after eating a high-carb meal when the body starts processing the carbs into sugar. To figure out what your body needs to feel energized, start a food diary. Write down what you eat, the time of day, and how you feel afterward. After a few days or weeks of keeping track of this information you will see some patterns start to emerge. Also, getting some food allergy and sensitivity testing done will help you discover foods that are causing you problems.

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Moderate Exercise

Moving and exercise, even moderately, every day helps in so many ways. It keeps us active and our muscles moving so we don’t get stiff and sore. Typically, you will sleep better if you exercise regularly, and it reduces stress. These are all things that contribute to over all higher energy levels.

Here are some ideas for Winter Workout at Home!

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Are You Interested in Massage Therapy?

We at All Body Kneads would love to talk to you about your low energy levels and create a treatment plan that can best address your issues. Please contact us at:

Business Phone (517) 898-2899
6910 South Cedar Street, Suite #4
Lansing, MI 48911-6912

You can also schedule an appointment online at here.