Do you have joint pain? Do your knees pop and click when you walk down the stairs? Are your knuckles inflamed and sore? Massage therapy can often help with joint pain, in addition to muscle pain and tightness.
Joint pain can be caused by several factors and sometimes it is simply temporary. However, some people experience chronic joint pain in the form of arthritis, the type of job they have, or other conditions. Please see our article Massage Therapy Can Help with Arthritis Pain for more information.
Massage reduces swelling caused by fluid retention in the joints of the fingers, toes, wrists, and ankles. It improves blood circulation and promotes greater flexibility. A knowledgeable and skilled massage therapist will know the right techniques to use to help with joint pain and those suffering from arthritis.
Most types of massage therapy include massaging various joints. A full body massage will concentrate on all major muscle groups and major joints, including shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, ankles, and toes.
Reflexology for Hands and Feet
Reflexology is the practice of using reflex points on the hands, feet, and head that are linked to every portion of the body. A reflexology massage will work on the joints in your fingers, wrists, toes and ankles. If you work with your hands a lot for typing, manual labor, cooking, cleaning, etc. this type of massage may provide great relief. Also, if you stand a lot for your job, in customer service, food service, and more, reflexology massage can help your feet and ankles.

Paraffin Treatments for Joint Pain
Paraffin treatments provide warmth and comfort to painful hands and feet. First, we dip your hands and/or feet in warm, melted paraffin (like wax but softer). Essential oils are often infused into the paraffin to help soothe and moisturize your skin. Paraffin treatments are available as Add-on Services to any massage. You can add a paraffin treatment to any massage or get the treatment by itself.

Infrared Sauna Treatments
An Infrared Sauna session is another gentle but effective way to help ease muscle and joint pain. It helps relaxation, detoxification, and increased circulation. You choose the level of infrared technology you prefer; near, middle, and far. These levels refer to different infrared wavelengths and heat intensity. Testing has shown that near-infrared levels are excellent for the healing of wounds and increasing the function of the immune system. The middle levels are better for improving circulation as well as enhancing the relaxation of muscles.

Book an Infrared Sauna Session Now
Occupations and Events that Promote Joint Pain
Sore, painful joints can occur due to an injury, overuse, or chronic condition. If you perform work regularly that causes stress and overuse of your joints you will eventually experience pain. Also, pregnancy can be hard on the joints due to extra weight and swelling, particularly in the third trimester.
Pregnancy Massage (Prenatal Massage) – No matter how far along you are in your pregnancy, you already know that your body is undergoing tremendous changes. Some of the changes can be uncomfortable, and prenatal massage can help!
Parkinson’s Disease – Massage Therapy can help with musculoskeletal pain and joint stiffness associated with this complicated and debilitating condition. The tremors and shaking that accompany Parkinson’s Disease is very hard on the joints and muscles and massage can greatly help alleviate some of these symptoms.
Retail Workers and Cashiers – Retail workers spend a lot of time standing, lifting, stocking, stretching, carrying, and more. These types of activities are hard to endure for long periods of time day after day.
Teachers and Instructors – Teaching is a calling, not just a job. Like health care workers, it is very easy for teachers to forget about self-care while taking care of everyone else. There is no denying that today’s classrooms are stressful places, with online learning and all the recent changes teachers have had to embrace. We know that teachers didn’t really get a summer vacation this year while preparing for shifting to online teaching. You deserve a massage.
Road Construction Workers – Chances are, if you live in Michigan you know, and maybe even love, a road construction worker. I can’t think of a more prevalent job this time of year where massage therapy could really help with the physical and stressful aspects of their jobs than road workers.
Landscaping & Grounds Keeping – Overexertion (doing too much) causes the most minor (non-fatal) injuries among landscape workers. Excess stress on the body like lifting, digging, twisting, turning and carrying are all actions that landscape workers do frequently. These actions, if done incorrectly or just too repetitively, can cause pain and injuries . Massage can help.
Are you interested in Massage Therapy to help with Joint Pain?
We at All Body Kneads would love to talk to you about the pain you are experiencing and create a service plan that can best address your issues. Please contact us at:
Business Phone (517) 898-2899
6910 South Cedar Street, Suite #4
Lansing, MI 48911-6912
You can also schedule an appointment online at here.
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