Sports Massage: Increase Performance and Prevent Injury

Sports Massage: Increase Performance and Prevent Injury

Add Sports Massage to Your Workout Schedule

Athletes are recognizing that regular therapeutic sports massage should be a part of all training and regular workout routines. Why?

When an athlete receives a sports massage (deep-tissue therapeutic massage) it improves the general wear and tear and minor injuries that naturally occur with strenuous movement. The physiological and psychological benefits of massage make it an ideal complement to a total conditioning program.

Who can benefit from sport massage?

Anyone who routinely stretches thesports massage ir physical limits through movement such as:

  • running
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • swimming
  • dancing
  • tennis and other racquet sports
  • strength training
  • aerobics
  • team sports such as basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, soccer, etc.

In fact, sometimes the season of life wsports massagee are in or the job we have also requires a lot of physical movement. Other people who can benefit from massage include:

  • have small children and do a lot of lifting
  • gardeners and those who work in their yard a lot
  • factory workers
  • service workers

Sports Massage is a Healthy Reward

Sports massage is beneficial when starting a conditioning program, because it helps you get into good shape faster, and with less stiffness and soreness. It helps you recover faster from heavy workouts, and relieves conditions which may cause injury.

Sports massage can also be something you look forward to after a work out — a healthy reward!

How Sports Massage Can Help


Sports massage helps the body recover from the stresses of strenuous exercise and facilitates the rebuilding phase of conditioning. The physiological benefits of sports massage (and massage in general) include:

  • improved blood and lymph circulation
  • muscle relaxation
  • general relaxation
  • removal of waste products and better cell nutrition
  • normalization and greater elasticity of tissues
  • deactivation of trigger points
  • faster healing of injuries

In addition to these benefits, therapeutic massage may also focus on specific muscles used in a sport or fitness activity. For example, the legs for runners, upper body for swimmers, and arms for tennis players. These areas are more likely to be tight, lose flexibility, and develop trigger points.


Sometimes athletes do not allow themselves adequate recovery time, especially if they are training for an upcoming event. This can lead to higher rates of injury and fatigue.

sports massage You may be overtraining if you experience:

  • irritability
  • apathy
  • altered appetite
  • increased frequency of injury
  • increased resting heart rate
  • insomnia

These things can occur when the body is not allowed to recover adequately between training.

Sports massage can help you avoid overtraining by promoting recovery through general relaxation and healing properties.

Trouble Spots

Every athlete and active person has their own trouble spots. Sometimes this is from past injuries, repetitive motion or a particular activity. A massage therapist can pay extra attention to these areas while monitoring them for developing problems or improvement. An experienced massage therapist can also compliment any treatment you are receiving from other health care professions such as chiropractors, acupuncturists, medical doctors, trainers, and physical therapists.

Making the Most of Your Sports Massage

In order to maximize the benefit of sports massage, here are some tips:

  • Schedule your sports massage (30 minutes to 90 minute massage) for after your workout or on rest day.
  • Cool down completely after your workout before getting a massage.
  • Take a shower, sauna, steam bath, or Jacuzzi before your sports massage. This will give you a jump start on relaxation.
  • Communicate with your massage therapist about your recent activity, injuries, or upcoming events so she or he can customize the massage.
  • Be sure to inform the massage therapist about painful areas.
  • Be as diligent with your massage schedule as you are with your training. Regular sports massage means once a week to once a month.

Call All Body Kneads today to schedule your sports massage.

(517) 898-2899


Therapeutic Massage for Sports and Fitness by Patricia J. Benjamin, PhD.

Robert K. King. Performance Massage; Muscle Care for Physically Active People. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, 1993

Bonnie Prudden. Myotherapy: Complete Guide to Pain-Free Living. New York: Ballentine Books, 1984.

Frances M. Tappan and Patricia J. Benjamin, PhD. Tappan’s Handbook of Healing Massage Techniques: Classic Holistic, and Emerging Methods. San Mateo, CA: Appleton & Lange, 1998.

Skinny Massage: Target your problem areas

Skinny Massage: Target your problem areas

What is a Skinny Massage?

Please note that Skinny Massage does not promote weight loss alone. Rather, it focuses on problem areas of the body such as upper arms, abdomen, upper legs, back, and buttocks.

By focusing on these areas where cellulite likes to show off, massage strokes can help induce a smoother, toner appearance.

Does Infrared Sauna Sessions promote weight loss?

Traditional saunas rely upon temperatures of 185 to 195 degrees Fahrenheit, which tends to overwhelm people who are sensitive to heat. However, an infrared sauna heats up to only 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. A study review performed by Dr. Richard Beever further indicated that heat from an infrared sauna can travel deeply into the skin, which suggests that it can target fats with greater efficiency.

Skinny Massage Plus Infrared Heat is a Good Combination

The best way to lose weight it through a healthy diet and moderate exercise. But sometimes we need that extra boost to help our efforts. A massage that zeroes in on the areas you are already working on will help sore muscles and work to smooth cellulite. Coupled with the deep heat of a sauna, and you will be sure to relax and feel good.

All Body Kneads’ Skinny Massage Package info is listed below. Call us today to make an appointment. 517.898.2899

Skinny Massage Package: will start with an Infrared Sauna Session, followed by vibration and then full body massage that includes working on cellulite problem areas that improves circulation in those areas to help minimize & eliminate cellulite. Skinny Massage will not make you skinny or make you lose weight if you are just relying on this massage alone.

120 Minute Skinny Massage $120.00

Simple Skinny Massage does not include the infrared sauna session or the vibration it is a full body massage that includes working on cellulite problem areas that improves circulation in those areas, to help minimize and eliminate cellulite.

60 Minute Simple Skinny Massage $80.00

Thai Poultice Massage for Achy Muscles

Thai Poultice Massage for Achy Muscles

What is Thai Poultice Massage?

Thai poultice massage was developed in Thailand during the 14th to 18th centuries. It was originally used on soldiers returning home with painful, weary muscles.

Today, Thai poultice massage is becoming popular in the United States. Licensed massage therapists use the technique to alleviate pain and inflammation, as well as to relieve the stresses of modern life that accumulate in muscles and joints.

A poultice is a special blend of herbs and spices that are wrapped in muslin or cotton and heated with steam. The heat allows the natural essential oils and aromas of the herbs and spices to be released. During massage, the poultices provide moist and nutrient-rich relaxation to the skin and muscles.

The poultices also loosen energy blockages and stimulating blood circulation by working with the body’s natural energy.

Find out more about our services and fees.

What’s in a Thai Poultice?

Typical ingredients of Thai poultices include:

  • Prai (a herb specifically from Thailand), used for relief of sore muscles and tired joints.
  • Tumeric, a natural analgesic that contains anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, refreshes the skin and boosts the immune system.
  • Lemongrass, which regenerates connective tissue and ligaments, supports thymus and spleen function, aids circulation, reduces fevers and infections, improves muscle tone, aids athletic muscle pain and sprains, stimulates lymphatic detox, aids edema and fluid retention, and helps skin blemishes.
  • kaffir lime, for toning mature skin and boosting circulation
  • Camphor, which stimulates the circulatory and nervous system, combats inflammation and eases spasms, various pain aliments and sore muscles. Camphor is also reported to aid digestion, kill internal parasites and minor infections.
  • Many other beneficial herbs and spices may be used as well as these.

Who Can Benefit from a Thai Poultice Massage?

Anyone leading an active lifestyle, especially anyone feeling sore and achy, would truly benefit from the deep, soothing, aromatic comfort that comes with a Thai poultice massage.

  • Athletes
  • Runners
  • Busy moms and dads
  • Construction workers and laborers
  • Restaurant workers
  • Anyone in the service industry

Caution: Thai poultice massage is not recommended for women who are pregnant. Also, patients who have rheumatoid arthritis should get the approval of their medical doctor before receiving a Thai poultice massage.

Schedule a Thai Poultice Massage Today

All Body Kneads is one of the only massage therapy centers offering Thai Poultice massage in the Lansing area. Be the first of your friends to try this deeply soothing and effective treatment.

Contact us today!

Bamboo Fusion Massage: A Great Technique for Deep Tissue Work

Bamboo Fusion Massage: A Great Technique for Deep Tissue Work

What is Bamboo Fusion Massage?

Bamboo fusion massage, sometimes referred to hot bamboo massage, is a fairly new type of massage therapy made popular by Nathalie Cecilia.

The technique uses warm bamboo sticks for deep tissue massage work. The bamboo tool allows the massage therapist to use more strength and stamina for deeper pressure. The smooth sticks allowed for more penetrating maneuvers and make deep-tissue work easier.

Bamboo fusion massage is at the forefront of the massage industry, becoming the new treatment at top spas and resorts around the country. All Body Kneads is one of the first massage therapy locations in Lansing to bring this technique to the area.

This wonderful technique promotes a deep sense of well-being and delicious relaxation. Many clients report that the positive effects of the bamboo tools seem even longer lasting than deep tissue massage without the bamboo sticks.

Who “Kneads” Bamboo Fusion?

Anyone who enjoys massage therapy or requires it for healing can benefit from bamboo fusion massage. The method allows the message therapist to apply more pressure in an even manner over a large area, so patients who like deep-tissue work and harder massage pressure may prefer bamboo fusion massage.

How is the bamboo used?

Bamboo fusion massage uses different lengths and diameters of bamboo sticks and stones. The smooth bamboo is warmed and then used as part of the massage therapy, much like hot stones are. However, bamboo holds heat longer than stones do.

The bamboo sticks are wrapped in a heating pad to warm them. The bamboo is easily cleaned and sanitized with antibacterial wipes.

During the massage the bamboo sticks serve as an extension of the hands and the therapist can easily palpate, find tension, and dissolve knots and trigger points. They are also used to knead and stretch muscle and fascia in all directions. The pressure can be as light or as deep as necessary.

Massage lotion or oil is used with the bamboo. A twelve inch bamboo stick is used for large areas to knead the muscles and also uses a crisscross technique to stretch fascia. The shorter tools are used for small areas and deeper work. The warmth brings relaxation in a shorter time as it quickly penetrates to relax the muscles.

Schedule a Bamboo Fusion Massage today and experience a deeper sense of calm and healing.